JEFFREYS LEDGE, NH - 160 Classic View

Wave energy and mean wave direction resolved into 9 bands

As requested by the US Army Corps of Engineers, CDIP has special data formats for wave energy and direction.
9-bands: 2-6, 6-8, 8-10, 10-12, 12-14, 14-16, 16-18, 18-22 & 22+ seconds
Spectral processing performed on 1600-second samples
For each band, equivalent Hs = 4*sqrt(Band Energy)
Wave direction in each band represents the average, in support of coastal process studies

Band Direction

Dp ° 22+ 22-18 18-16 16-14 14-12 12-10 10-8 8-6 6-2
Mar 02, 09:00 203 197 197 216 205 113 135 141 152 203
Mar 02, 08:30 203 212 208 155 168 164 145 140 162 203
Mar 02, 08:00 206 218 215 211 189 177 139 145 164 206
Mar 02, 07:30 205 208 226 215 207 121 150 119 173 205
Mar 02, 07:00 208 220 213 230 228 110 132 129 178 208
Mar 02, 06:30 207 202 223 218 147 195 171 149 180 207
Mar 02, 06:00 204 213 202 206 210 185 149 162 179 204
Mar 02, 05:30 204 200 211 212 205 138 158 146 172 204
Mar 02, 05:00 200 194 183 201 201 175 151 150 181 200
Mar 02, 04:30 199 196 206 203 199 198 166 149 175 199
Mar 02, 04:00 201 211 210 203 209 177 157 139 179 201
Mar 02, 03:30 196 198 204 197 141 198 152 140 177 196
Mar 02, 03:00 195 192 197 209 190 161 127 130 175 195
Mar 02, 02:30 193 188 198 208 188 198 137 137 172 193
Mar 02, 02:00 191 197 195 193 166 161 161 139 173 191
Mar 02, 01:30 196 204 199 202 171 163 132 147 163 196
Mar 02, 01:00 201 210 218 206 175 176 130 135 153 201
Mar 02, 00:30 205 204 212 243 190 119 134 131 151 205
Mar 02, 00:00 211 207 226 188 139 131 134 135 140 211
Mar 01, 23:30 213 225 213 101 172 126 108 135 154 213
Mar 01, 23:00 212 209 212 202 114 207 137 125 149 212
Mar 01, 22:30 218 205 208 166 203 190 140 147 165 218
Mar 01, 22:00 219 221 235 224 210 128 125 127 162 219
Mar 01, 21:30 217 219 220 224 178 155 141 129 149 217
Mar 01, 21:00 217 216 218 236 236 125 126 131 161 217
Mar 01, 20:30 218 210 208 228 194 129 114 120 149 218
Mar 01, 20:00 218 216 217 203 164 168 141 151 158 218
Mar 01, 19:30 219 225 204 210 200 147 132 142 137 219
Mar 01, 19:00 222 208 224 211 185 172 104 111 133 222
Mar 01, 18:30 222 215 217 193 30 117 126 122 131 222
Mar 01, 18:00 225 225 219 212 215 111 116 127 123 225
Mar 01, 17:30 226 221 223 241 78 97 95 115 118 226
Mar 01, 17:00 234 225 247 206 66 73 109 115 119 234
Mar 01, 16:30 256 255 241 260 207 129 115 123 110 256
Mar 01, 16:00 285 252 201 247 125 104 112 128 99 285
Mar 01, 15:30 301 276 9 310 127 104 119 121 92 301
Mar 01, 15:00 305 291 296 249 106 124 119 131 101 305
Mar 01, 14:30 309 300 310 327 191 106 117 122 105 309
Mar 01, 14:00 311 310 306 291 57 117 128 130 101 311
Mar 01, 13:30 310 309 311 300 91 98 124 127 92 310
Mar 01, 13:00 314 307 317 332 42 116 123 121 77 314
Mar 01, 12:30 315 311 321 254 36 128 122 122 92 315
Mar 01, 12:00 317 330 315 330 131 74 127 123 77 317
Mar 01, 11:30 317 310 320 306 3 105 112 131 34 317
Mar 01, 11:00 319 318 305 317 346 92 122 124 29 319
Mar 01, 10:30 317 311 316 317 302 28 121 126 21 317
Mar 01, 10:00 320 325 310 327 49 35 126 131 358 320
Mar 01, 09:30 318 304 326 303 84 123 121 129 62 318
Mar 01, 09:00 311 306 312 336 69 120 130 140 56 311

CDIP's historic products and station information

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A web server that provides metadata and data access for CDIP's NetCDF datasets, using OPeNDAP, OGC WMS and WCS, HTTP, and other remote data access protocols.


A web utility for accessing data from CDIP's NetCDF data files. It serves station data in traditional CDIP formats, as well handling newer formats and wavecdf datasets from any source.


ERDDAP™ (the Environmental Research Division's Data Access Program) is a data server that gives you a simple, consistent way to download subsets of scientific datasets in common file formats and make graphs and maps.


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