POINT SUR, CA - 157 Classic View

Wave energy and mean wave direction resolved into 9 bands

As requested by the US Army Corps of Engineers, CDIP has special data formats for wave energy and direction.
9-bands: 2-6, 6-8, 8-10, 10-12, 12-14, 14-16, 16-18, 18-22 & 22+ seconds
Spectral processing performed on 1600-second samples
For each band, equivalent Hs = 4*sqrt(Band Energy)
Wave direction in each band represents the average, in support of coastal process studies

Hs cm Tp s 22+ 22-18 18-16 16-14 14-12 12-10 10-8 8-6 6-2
Mar 30, 22:00 190 11 3 34 22 21 129 573 537 493 453
Mar 30, 21:30 188 9 2 33 31 26 82 445 694 525 378
Mar 30, 21:00 192 9 1 17 12 18 155 490 693 527 382
Mar 30, 20:30 199 9 2 22 17 39 127 656 726 468 430
Mar 30, 20:00 183 7 2 29 16 23 214 465 475 493 376
Mar 30, 19:30 204 9 4 40 21 22 191 633 724 570 386
Mar 30, 19:00 216 9 5 51 29 37 161 754 1022 494 372
Mar 30, 18:30 222 11 4 42 22 37 209 1031 779 576 382
Mar 30, 18:00 229 9 3 38 24 34 253 916 1006 638 364
Mar 30, 17:30 225 9 3 33 18 56 319 907 930 528 370
Mar 30, 17:00 231 9 2 15 17 52 363 631 1081 801 364
Mar 30, 16:30 247 11 3 38 24 39 263 1158 1113 753 408
Mar 30, 16:00 260 9 2 27 12 43 332 1179 1325 793 506
Mar 30, 15:30 270 11 3 16 19 44 392 1452 1264 903 465
Mar 30, 15:00 314 11 3 26 12 71 574 2548 1741 682 496
Mar 30, 14:30 283 9 2 20 26 71 405 1405 1600 930 550
Mar 30, 14:00 301 9 4 27 21 56 594 1490 1887 973 617
Mar 30, 13:30 324 11 4 36 26 95 1007 2111 1575 1014 675
Mar 30, 13:00 343 11 5 43 14 85 972 2646 1906 1088 595
Mar 30, 12:30 334 9 2 27 21 120 1377 1825 1930 1033 621
Mar 30, 12:00 380 11 4 34 22 119 1424 3048 2461 1270 647
Mar 30, 11:30 377 11 4 44 46 189 1799 3303 1507 1298 675
Mar 30, 11:00 410 11 5 29 38 371 2050 3885 2010 1386 735
Mar 30, 10:30 406 11 5 59 30 293 2631 3122 2388 1104 644
Mar 30, 10:00 388 11 6 34 21 453 2164 3063 1896 1069 693
Mar 30, 09:30 441 11 9 52 34 335 3580 4886 1636 947 692
Mar 30, 09:00 407 13 9 64 74 708 3164 2451 1704 1469 720
Mar 30, 08:30 398 13 5 34 49 436 2837 2599 1958 1319 683
Mar 30, 08:00 443 11 9 56 105 487 3068 4217 2376 1211 728
Mar 30, 07:30 416 13 8 58 149 638 4828 2072 1519 909 654
Mar 30, 07:00 386 13 10 60 102 669 3008 2256 1546 962 705
Mar 30, 06:30 410 13 8 38 70 716 3423 2910 1586 1058 710
Mar 30, 06:00 405 11 7 40 41 286 2766 3508 1967 922 699
Mar 30, 05:30 341 11 4 56 42 231 1807 2641 1057 768 675
Mar 30, 05:00 360 11 8 42 49 236 1680 2498 2008 919 661
Mar 30, 04:30 329 11 9 41 26 165 1538 2389 1297 637 649
Mar 30, 04:00 380 11 6 49 42 385 2612 3410 1317 554 640
Mar 30, 03:30 333 13 5 33 20 307 2408 1912 927 573 754
Mar 30, 03:00 312 13 7 49 25 392 2024 1407 1028 587 582
Mar 30, 02:30 354 13 10 53 42 374 2892 1968 1107 704 665
Mar 30, 02:00 349 13 8 49 59 388 2493 1778 1302 856 666
Mar 30, 01:30 347 13 9 37 44 433 2319 1854 1255 895 693
Mar 30, 01:00 327 11 11 30 45 362 1778 2051 953 703 755
Mar 30, 00:30 349 13 12 29 44 730 2279 1738 1157 853 762
Mar 30, 00:00 344 13 10 28 50 573 2483 1464 1013 842 911
Mar 29, 23:30 348 13 7 25 34 913 2441 1545 904 837 841
Mar 29, 23:00 362 13 9 25 90 533 2032 2031 1316 1081 1078
Mar 29, 22:30 357 13 8 39 60 1062 2212 1565 1044 909 1071
Mar 29, 22:00 352 13 7 37 57 738 2311 1282 1241 1039 1027

CDIP's historic products and station information

Data Access

Data Use and Acknowledgements


A web server that provides metadata and data access for CDIP's NetCDF datasets, using OPeNDAP, OGC WMS and WCS, HTTP, and other remote data access protocols.


A web utility for accessing data from CDIP's NetCDF data files. It serves station data in traditional CDIP formats, as well handling newer formats and wavecdf datasets from any source.


ERDDAP™ (the Environmental Research Division's Data Access Program) is a data server that gives you a simple, consistent way to download subsets of scientific datasets in common file formats and make graphs and maps.


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